We want to make sure you enjoy your experience with Yorkshire Balloon Flights.
Before coming along on the morning of your flight, here are some things you need to know about hot air balloon flights in York.
- Hot air balloon rides are weather dependent
- Our flying season is between April and October
- Vouchers are valid for 12 months and are non-refundable
- It is not uncommon for your flight to be postponed several times due to unsuitable weather. If you have made 5 attempts or more to fly within the 12 month validity of your voucher you will receive a 12 month voucher extension FREE OF CHARGE.
Before buying a flight voucher for you or as a gift, please ensure the person who will be flying is eligible using the criteria below.
- Passengers must be over 8 years old
- The minimum height is 1.4m (4’6″)
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult during the flight
- Those who have undergone recent surgery or who have pregnant are not able to fly
- In the interest of safety, we cannot fly anyone weighing more than 18 stone (114kg)
- Those with a medical condition that might affect their ability to climb into or out of the basket or might affect them taking off or landing safely should seek medical advice before booking
For more information, check out our frequently asked questions.